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The First Journey of Cory’s shearwaters.

    From the end of October to mid-November, a unique event not seen anywhere else in the world, happens in the Canary Islands: the first journey of the Cory’s shearwater, a seabird known locally by the nickname of waña-waña for their peculiar song. During this period, the chicks leave their nests and head towards the high seas, guided by the moonlight and the stars. But it is also at this time when they are most at risk of being blinded by the lights of the coast and left unable to resume their journey.

    To help solve this problem, at Spring Hotels, we have developed a series of initiatives within the framework of our Spring Ozone sustainability plan. Firstly, we have reduced the exterior lighting of our facilities in order to avoid any potential accidents. As well as this, we have raised awareness amongst our employees and customers so that, if a bird should fall, they know how to act while help arrives. We have also provided a phone number to call to arrange collection.

    This protocol includes information on how to cover the chick with a towel to calm it down, instructions for building a box that will not damage its plumage, and instructions not to feed or water the bird. This is all with the double objective of helping the conservation of these protected birds and preserving the incredible natural wealth of our beautiful islands.
