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Frequently asked questions

Where is the Hotel Vulcano located?

The Hotel Vulcano by Spring Hoteles is located on Antonio Dominguez Alfonso Avenue, number 8, in the tourist town of Playa de las Americas, in the south of Tenerife island, Spain.

What facilities does the Hotel Vulcano offer?

The Hotel Vulcano by Spring Hoteles offers a wide range of facilities, including outdoor and heated swimming pools, a spa with sauna and Turkish bath, a gym, a buffet restaurant, a bar, a games area, a beauty salon, a hairdresser, and much more.

Does the Hotel Vulcano have a swimming pool?

Yes, we have 2 pools in the main pool area, a children’s pool and an outdoor spa.

Is there a restaurant at the Hotel Vulcano?

Yes, the Hotel Vulcano has a buffet restaurant that serves breakfast, lunch, and dinner, as well as a bar where guests can enjoy drinks and snacks.

Does the hotel have internet access?

Yes, the Hotel Vulcano offers high-speed internet access through a free Wi-Fi connection in all of its facilities.

Does the Hotel Vulcano have available parking?

No, we do not have client parking however public parking is available around the hotel.

Are pets allowed at the Hotel Vulcano?

No, unfortunately the Hotel Vulcano does not allow pets.

Does the hotel offer laundry services?

Yes, the Hotel Vulcano offers laundry and ironing services for guests.

Does the Hotel Vulcano have rooms adapted for people with disabilities?

Yes, the Hotel Vulcano has rooms adapted for people with disabilities, which offer wheelchair access and other special amenities.
